
benefits of gurmar powder


Gurmar is a perennial plant native to Asia Africa and Australia. Common names include Gymnema, Australian cowplant, and Periploca of the woods. The Hindi term gurmar means “sugar destroyer”.The leaves and extracts contain gymnemic acids, the major bioactive constituents or the benefit of gurmar powder is that it interacts with taste receptors on the tongue to temporarily suppress the taste of sweetness and maintain the sugar level in the body. 

Product 1: Gurmar powder

Product Key Benefits

One of the benefits of gurmar powder is that it may be useful in the management of blood sugar due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Second benefits of gurmar powder is that it may help to prevent infections due to it's antimicrobial and antibiotic properties.

This gymnema sylvestre powder boosts Immunity.

Gudmar benefits in improving digestion and helps to manage cholesterol level.

The hepatoprotective activity of gudmar benefits in protecting liver cells from damage.

1. Gurmar powder 

Gurmar powder – 100 gms

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